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They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them. Lest We Forget |
The Camden District Roll of Honour, Camden Remembers, is being created to honour and commemorate the men and women from the Camden Area who enlisted, served or are serving in the Armed Forces, Volunteer Defence Corps, Citizen's Military Force or Land Army in all wars and conflicts.
The Camden Remembers project began in Heritage Week 2009 in a joint venture between Camden Historical Society, Camden Library Services and Camden Returned Services League Sub Branch with the aim to compile a comprehensive database of information and photographs and to create this Online Memorial, Camden Remembers, to our Service men and women. The Camden Remembers web site was launched at Camden Museum on 16 April 2010 by Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) John Carlyle Southwell OAM RFD ED. With the aid of records kept by the Australian War Memorial, Australian National Archives and the Department of Veteran Affairs which are available to everyone online, and by cross referencing names from all the Memorials, Honour rolls and newspapers of the day in the area the database is being compiled by a small group of Historical Society members, Steve and Christine Robinson and Ray Herbert. Family research has been and will continue to be compiled where possible for all who served. Space does not allow us to display on the web site all the information compiled to date. If you would like further details or would like to contribute to the project please contact Christine. To be eligible for inclusion in the Camden District Roll of Honour, Camden Remembers, a person must be born or native of, enlisted or lived in, served or died as a result of serving in the Camden area at the time of any war or conflict and those who have served in any conflict and since made Camden their home. Occasionally it's very difficult to determine from the information at hand exactly what association an individual had with the area. For instance, a name may have appeared on a Memorial, an Honour Roll or in the Camden News of the day, but official records show no association with the area. All means of checking will be explored, but in some cases there is no way of knowing. Any names which appear on original sources will be honoured and included in the Camden District Roll of Honour, Camden Remembers. Included in the Camden District are the Suburbs or Locations of: Bickley Vale, Bringelly, Brownlow Hill, Burragorang, Camden, Camden Park, Catherine Field, Cawdor, Cobbitty, Currans Hill, Douglas Park, Elderslie, Ellis Lane, Grasmere, Kirkham, Leppington, Luddenham, Menangle, Mount Annan, Mount Hunter, Narellan, Narellan Vale, Nattai, Oakdale, Orangeville, Oran Park, Razorback, Rossmore, Silverdale, Spring Creek, The Oaks, Theresa Park, Warragamba, Werombi, Yerranderie. It is not our intention to rewrite history on these pages when the Australian War Memorial is such a magnificent source of information to research Australia's involvement in war from the time of the first settlement at Sydney Cove in the 18th century to our peacekeeping roles under United Nations auspices and the First Gulf War. The material has been prepared by the Military History Section at the Memorial. Since its inception, the Memorial has sponsored Australia's official war histories. Australian governments have commissioned four separate series of official war histories over this period, one for each major conflict in which Australia has been involved: the two world wars and the Cold War conflicts in Korea and south-east Asia. In 2004 the Australian Government authorised a fifth official history relating to peacekeeping and post–Cold War operations. Our thanks to Camden Historical Society, Camden Library Services and Camden Returned Services League Sub Branch for their assistance and to the Australian War Memorial, Australian National Archives and the Department of Veteran Affairs for making the information so accessible and for their permission to use the information in compiling the Camden District Roll of Honour, Camden Remembers. |
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